Monday, January 26, 2009

correction from my last post plus survey!!

peace people!!!!!
sorry for spelling the "copoun" wrongly in my last post. it is suppose to be like this = coupon. my bad!! XD today we are having a small BBQ. yayy!!! can't wait. not much to write.

okay its time for a survey!!!!!

Right now, what is the singer you really like?
* Beyonce Knowles

What's song by him/her/them do you like?
* single ladies :)

Right now, what is the one thing you would like to improve on your appearance?
* i want a straight hair

Right now, what is one thing you would love to buy if you could?
* ingredients to bake

Right now, what hurts the most?
* ntg

These days, what is the best time you've had?
* holidays!

These days, who do you miss the most?
* friendssss!!!!!!!!!

These days, what do you dream of?
*hurmm... idk

Right now, what is the movie you'd want to watch?
* X-MEN!

With whom?
* human being for sure

These days, who do you wish you could spend the most time with?
* human being. hahahaa

Right now, is there something you would want to tell someone?
* yeap yeap

Are you going to do it before it's too late?
*errr. idk.

Right now, what's your biggest fear?
* sin :(

These days, have you realized something?
* hell to the yeah!

These days, do you think you've made a big mistake?
* not a big one. just a small mistake.

Right now, what crazy thing would you be ready to do?
* shout as loud as i want

These days, what is something crazy you've done?
* HAHA. :)

These days, what's one of your favorite thing to do?
* poop

These days, what is the one kind of food you love to eat?
* butter prawn!!!

What about the drink?
* ribena!!!

Right now, what mood are you in?
* sleepyyyy!!

These days, what is the one thing that drives you nuts?
* physics. haiya. =.=

These days, what is one thing you would want to say out loud?
* ntg i guess

Right now, what would be the style of clothes that corresponds you?
* up to date

These days, is there a dream you see as impossible?
* yess!

What is it?
* secret :)

These days, are you in denial about something?
* idts

These days, is there something you know you should change?
* yeap.

What is it?
* y u so busy body???

Are you going to change it?
* =.=

Right now, what would you be doing?
* obviously this

Right now, if you could erase something from your life, what would it be?
* ntg. it is a lesson for me :)

These days, have you done something you regret?
* nope.

What is it?
*??? i said ntg.

Right now, what are you satisfied about?
* add math. :)

Right now, what can you be happy about?
* BBQ!!!

These days, are you happy to live?

These days, do you realize the joys of your life?
* yes man!

Right now, what would you change about this world?
* stop the war in GAZA. :(


*as usual... don't do drugs!
*sorry for the broken english
*take care and have a good day
*feel free to be a stalker and read my blog :)